Roberto Arduini, Giampaolo Canzonieri & Claudio A. Testi
Cormarë Series No. 42
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The origins of this collection, and of the whole Tolkien and the Classics
project, are twofold. First, there is the ever-growing awareness of
the importance of making scholars and critics realize how much
J.R.R. Tolkien is, in all respects, a great literary classic, comparable
to those already accepted as 'canonical'. Second, the desire to offer
a publication that could be enjoyed, and made actual use of, by
students and teachers of secondary schools and universities.
This collection of mainly short essays, each one exploring a parallel
between Tolkien and the Classics of Western literature, is divided
into three sections:
— Tolkien and Authors from Antiquity (four essays)
— Tolkien and Authors from the Middle Ages (six essays)
— Tolkien and Authors from the Modern Period (eleven essays)
The present volume has its origin in the endeavours of the Study
Group organised by the Associazione Italiana Studi Tolkieniani
(AIST = Italian Association of Tolkien Studies), a team of scholars
who periodically decide on a common topic of research that, as
a consequence, will be the subject of meetings in which each
contributor presents his or her results to the others. The criticisms,
comments, and suggestions provided in these meetings are then
taken into account for the revisions and incorporated into the final
versions of the essays.
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Table of contents
About the Authors
Roberto Arduini, Giampaolo Canzonieri, & Claudio A. Testi
Gloria Larini
Giant, Solitary, and Anarchist.
The Trolls in The Hobbit and Polyphemus in the Odyssey
Leonardo Mantovani
Renewing the Epic: Tolkien and Apollonius Rhodius
Gloria Larini
To Die for Love. Female Archetypes in Tolkien and Euripides
Lavinia Scolari
Tolkien and Virgil, Ancient Lore and Literary Inspiration
Valérie Morisi
Stories of Wonders and Wanderings:
The Hobbit and The Travels of Marco Polo
Claudio A. Testi
Tolkien and Aquinas
Elisa Sicuri
Tolkien and Malory: Writing a Mythology for England
Chiara Bertoglio
Dante, Tolkien, and the Supreme Harmony
Tânia P. Azevedo
Gawain vs. Gauvain: Tolkien and Chr´tien de Troyes
Roberto Arduini
The Innkeeper and the Miller: Common Folks in Chaucer and Tolkien
Amelia A. Rutledge
Tolkien and Sir Walter Scott:
Critiques of the Chivalric/Heroic Imaginary
Luisa Paglieri
Tolkien and Shakespeare: Debtor Against His Will
Sara Gianotto
Tolkien and Alfieri. Fëanor and the Characters of Alfierian Tragedy
Cecilia Barella
Tolkien and Grahame
Andrea Monda
Tolkien and Manzoni
Melissa Ruth Arul
The Yoke of Pride and Shame:
Joseph Conrad’s Lord Jim and J.R.R. Tolkien's Túrin Turambar
Chiara Nejrotti
From Neverland to Middle-earth
Giampaolo Canzonieri
The Hobbit and the Puppet:
Two Protagonists Journeying into Opposite Directions
Simone Bonechi
Tolkien and the War Poets
Barbara Sanguineti
With Light Step Through the Threshold:
Female characters, the Gothic, and the meditatio mortis in Tolkien and Poe
Tom Shippey
William Morris and Tolkien: Some Unexpected Connections
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(click to enlarge)
Cover illustartion by Anke Eissmann
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Many book reviews (12th April 2023)
Book reviews in Fafnir (6th April 2023)
Many reviews (17th July 2020)
Tolkien and the Classics published (7th August 2019)
  245 pages, Walking Tree Publishers 2019, Cormarë Series No. 42, Editors: Roberto Arduini, Giampaolo Canzonieri & Claudio A. Testi
, ISBN: 978-3905703-42-9.

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