Julian Eilmann & Allan Turner
Cormarë Series No. 28
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J.R.R. Tolkien is best known for his prose work, especially his
novels The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. Although there are
many poems included in his novels that add depth to the narrative,
Tolkien's talent as a writer of poetry has scarcely been appreciated
and in-depth studies of Tolkien's verses are rare. This collection
edited by Julian Eilmann and Allan Turner presents ten papers and
an introduction by Michael Drout that deal with specific aspects
of Tolkien's poetry. Some papers focus on one particular poem,
while others examine a group of poems with a specific thematic
approach. Among other topics, this collection highlights Tolkien's
development as a writer of alliterative verse, the relationship
between poetry and faith, or the function of poems in the narrative
of The Lord of the Rings. In addition this volume takes a critical look
at the use of poetry in Peter Jackson's movie trilogy, illustrating how
Tolkien's verses contribute to a contemporary adaptation of this
literary classic.
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Table of contents
Julian Eilmann and Allan Turner
Michael D.C. Drout
Introduction: Reading Tolkien's Poetry
Tom Shippey
Tolkien's Development as a Writer of Alliterative Poetry
in Modern English
John R. Holmes
"A Metre I Invented": Tolkien's Clues to Tempo in "Errantry"
Carl Phelpstead
"For W.H.A." – Tolkien's Poem in Praise of Auden
Petra Zimmermann
"The glimmer of limitless extensions in time and space":
The Function of Poems in Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings
Lynn Forest-Hill
Poetic Form and Spiritual Function:
Praise, Invocation and Prayer in The Lord of the Rings
Sue Bridgwater
What is it but a dream? Tolkien's "The Sea Bell"
and Yeats' "The Man who Dreamed of Faeryland"
Michael A. Joosten
Poetry in the Transmission Conceit of The Silmarillion
Nancy Martsch
Tolkien's Poetic Use of the Old English and Latinate Vocabulary:
A Study of Three Poems from The Adventures of Tom Bombadil
Julian Eilmann
Cinematic Poetry:
J.R.R. Tolkien's Poetry in The Lord of the Rings Films
Allan Turner
Early Influences on Tolkien's Poetry
Tolkien's Poetry reviewed in Journal of Tolkien Research (26th June 2015)
Tolkien's Poetry reviewed in Beyond Bree (16th August 2013)
Interview with Julian Eilmann (22nd April 2013)
New publication – Tolkien's Poetry (2nd April 2013)
  221 pages, Walking Tree Publishers 2013, Cormarë Series No. 28, Editors: Julian Eilmann & Allan Turner
, ISBN: 978-3-905703-28-3.

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