You can buy our publications, and a lot else besides, from the following Tolkienia retailers:
Clicking on logos will take you directly to the websites of these booksellers:
Wherever possible, we have additionally provided links directly to those pages advertising our publications. Please note that, unfortunately, not all vendors advertise all products on their websites. Some may also be rather slow in updating their web pages. It is worth asking if you don't find what you are looking for.
To see only the vendors stocking a particular book (with links to that book), please select that book from this list.
If you are a vendor, and feel that this page does not adequately link to your pages, then please contact us.
Please mention this website when contacting resellers.
specialised traders
large resellers
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specialised traders
(aka Tolkienwinkel) Based in Holland, friendly worldwide mail-order service specialised in Tolkien and other fantasy material.
Direct link to page with Cormarë series.
ADC Books
ADC Books Dealers in rare first editions, modern fiction and childrens books, specialising in the works of J.R.R Tolkien & Middle-Earth inspired Art works.
The Tolkien Society
The Tolkien Society is an international organisation registered in the U. K. as an educational charity, number 273809. Their aim is to encourage and further interest in the life and works of the late Professor J.R.R. Tolkien. The society also has a trading branch, Tolkien Society Trading. UPDATE: The products of Walking tree Publishers (and many others besides) are temporarily unavailable from Tolkien Society Trading. However, we believe some stocks are still held and sold at events such as Oxonmoot. Please enquire directly with the Tolkien Society.
Harrassowitz is a book and serials vendor for the academic and research library community, specializing in the distribution of scholarly books, periodicals, e-resources, and music scores
Antiquariat Bücherwelten
Antiquariat Bücherwelten offer some rare signed and hand illustarted copies of Beowulf and the Dragon.
Walking Tree Publishers
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large resellers
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Abe Books
Abe books lets you search new and second hand bookshops worldwide
Direct link to page with our books.
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