J.S. Ryan
Cormarë Series No. 19
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Tolkien's View: Windows into his World contains a number of selected
essays by Professor J.S. Ryan, for their most part originally published
over three decades from the 1960s to the 1990s, on the theme of J.R.R.
Tolkien and his works. Having himself studied under Professor Tolkien
at the time of the publication of his masterwork The Lord of the Rings,
Professor J.S. Ryan is uniquely well-placed to comment on some aspects
of Tolkien's academic environment in Oxford, the subject matters
J.R.R. Tolkien studied and brooded upon in his regular professional
work and the people he personally knew, cherished and was influenced
by as a student and then as a professor of Old and Middle English, a
writer and a person.
Note on the cover: The stunning cover photograph by John Gibbons, which extends over the full width of the front and back covers, shows the view of Merton Meadows, Oxford, seen from the window of Tolkien's study. To preview this, click here.
Accompanying volume
The present book is published as the
first of a pair collecting the essays
of J.S. Ryan. The accompanying second
volume, In the Nameless Wood. Explorations in the Philological Hinterland of Tolkien's Literary Creations is equally available from
Walking Tree Publishers.
J.S. Ryan, In the Nameless Wood. Explorations in the Philological Hinterland of Tolkien's Literary Creations, Zurich and Jena 2013
(Cormarë Series 30),
ISBN 978-3-905703-30-6.
Tolkien's View: Windows into his World
  286 pages, Walking Tree Publishers 2009, Cormarë Series No. 19, ISBN: 978-3-905703-13-9.

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