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4th July 2023: Eight book reviews
Catching up further on reviews of our books, we are adding eight further reviews.
All review links below lead to the websites of the respective journals. You can also check all reviews on this page.
Nólë Hyarmenillo An Anthology of Iberian Scholarship on Tolkien has been reviewed:
- by Sophie Modert in Zeitschrift für Fantastikforschung (2022) (in German)
- by Eduardo Segura in The Journal of Inkling Studies (2023)
The Gallant Edith Bratt has been reviewed:
- by Giovanni Carmine Costabile in The Journal of Inkling Studies (2022)
Middle-earth or There and Back Again has been reviewed:
- by Andrew Higgins in The Journal of Inkling Studies (2021)
Something has gone Crack has been reviewed:
- by Stuart Lee in The Journal of Inkling Studies (2020)
Music in Tolkien's Work and Beyond has been reviewed:
- by Vincent E. Rone in The Journal of Inkling Studies (2020)
J.R.R. Tolkien, Romanticist and Poet
has been reviewed:
- by Greengirdle
Laughter in Middle-earth has been reviewed:
- by Jean Chausse in Mallorn 59 (2018)
(to link to this announcement: http://www.walking-tree.org/news_archive.php?item=208
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