Announcing forthcoming publication ![]() <-newer items | older items-> 29th March 2024: Announcing forthcoming publication: The Songs of the Spheres: Lewis, Tolkien and the Overlapping Realms of their Imagination We are pleased to announce the forthcoming publication of a volume on Lewis and Tolkien, edited by Łukasz Neubauer and Gugliemo Spirito. If all goes go plan, publication is anticipated for mid April. All announcements pertaining to this volume are collected here. About this publication To celebrate the seventieth anniversary of the publication of Lewis's The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (16 October 1950), the editors of this volume have invited contributions that aim at critically reflecting upon the similarities and, no less importantly, the differences in the two writers' approaches to the works that came to impregnate their vivid imaginations. The thematic axis of the papers is, therefore, Lewis's best-known work of fiction, The Chronicles of Narnia, either as a whole or as a selection of individual volumes and/or episodes set in the World Beyond the Wardrobe, always, however, in connection with Tolkien's own (sub)creative projects. The papers themselves deal with such diverse fields of academic research as literature, theology, philosophy etc. More information
The Songs of the Spheres: Lewis, Tolkien and the Overlapping Realms of their Imagination about this publication | about the editors | table of contents | abstracts | cover | announcements | more (to link to this announcement: http://www.walking-tree.org/news_archive.php?item=219 ) <-newer items | older items-> The most recent news items can also be viewed on the latest news page. ![]() | |
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