Reviews of Germanic Heroes

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25th November 2024: Reviews of Germanic Heroes

We are pleased to add no less than four fresh reviews of Germanic Heroes, Courage, and Fate: Northern Narratives of J.R.R. Tolkien's Legendarium

- Review by Annie Olsen Englund published in Journal of Inklings Studies 14.2 (2024), pages 225-28, available on (pdf)

- Review by Jan van Breda published in Lembas 207 (2024), pages 10-11, reproduced on our website with kind permission (in Dutch, pdf), (approved English translation, pdf)

- Review by Todd Jensen published in Lembas 207 (2024), pages 4-5, reproduced on our website with kind permission (pdf, here)

- Review by Magne Bergland published in the same issue of the journal, pages 6-7 (pdf, here)

All reviews of this publication are listed here.

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