Title |
Price per unit |
Number ordered |
Sub- total |
Cormarë Series |
Binding them all
(details) |
26.40 CHF |
0.00 |
Celebrating Tolkien's Legacy
(details) |
20.00 CHF |
0.00 |
Deep Roots in a Time of Frost
(details) |
20.00 CHF |
0.00 |
Four Christian Fantasists
(details) |
16.00 CHF |
0.00 |
From Peterborough to Faëry
(details) |
16.00 CHF |
0.00 |
Germanic Heroes Courage and Fate
(details) |
20.00 CHF |
0.00 |
Hobbit place-names
(details) |
20.00 CHF |
0.00 |
How We Became Middle-earth
(details) |
26.40 CHF |
0.00 |
In the Nameless Wood
(details) |
20.00 CHF |
0.00 |
Inside Language
(details) |
16.00 CHF |
0.00 |
J.R.R. Tolkien Romanticist and Poet
(details) |
26.40 CHF |
0.00 |
Laughter in Middle-earth: Humour in and around the Works of JRR Tolkien
(details) |
20.00 CHF |
0.00 |
Law government and Society in JRR Tolkien's Works
(details) |
20.00 CHF |
0.00 |
Middle-earth or There and Back Again
(details) |
16.00 CHF |
0.00 |
Music in Middle-earth
(details) |
20.00 CHF |
0.00 |
Music in Tolkien's Work and Beyond
(details) |
26.40 CHF |
0.00 |
Myth and Magic: Art according to the Inklings
(details) |
20.00 CHF |
0.00 |
News from the Shire and Beyond
(details) |
16.00 CHF |
0.00 |
Nólë Hyarmenillo
(details) |
20.00 CHF |
0.00 |
O What a Tangled Web
(details) |
20.00 CHF |
0.00 |
Pagan Saints in Middle earth
(details) |
20.00 CHF |
0.00 |
Reconsidering Tolkien
(details) |
20.00 CHF |
0.00 |
Recovery and Transcendence for the Contemporary Mythmaker
(details) |
20.00 CHF |
0.00 |
Representations of Nature in Middle-earth
(details) |
20.00 CHF |
0.00 |
Root and Branch
(details) |
16.00 CHF |
0.00 |
Roots and Branches
(details) |
24.00 CHF |
0.00 |
Something has gone crack
(details) |
24.00 CHF |
0.00 |
Sub-creating Arda
(details) |
26.40 CHF |
0.00 |
Sub-creating Middle-earth
(details) |
20.00 CHF |
0.00 |
The Broken Scythe
(details) |
20.00 CHF |
0.00 |
The Ecological Augury in the Works of JRR Tolkien
(details) |
20.00 CHF |
0.00 |
The Gallant Edith Bratt
(details) |
20.00 CHF |
0.00 |
The Lord of the Rings and the Western Narrative Tradition
(details) |
20.00 CHF |
0.00 |
The Loss and the Silence
(details) |
20.00 CHF |
0.00 |
The Romantic Spirit in the Works of JRR Tolkien
(details) |
26.40 CHF |
0.00 |
The Silmarillion: 30 Years On
(details) |
16.00 CHF |
0.00 |
The Songs of the Spheres
(details) |
20.00 CHF |
0.00 |
Tolkien and Modernity 1
(details) |
20.00 CHF |
0.00 |
Tolkien and Modernity 2
(details) |
20.00 CHF |
0.00 |
Tolkien and Philosophy
(details) |
16.00 CHF |
0.00 |
Tolkien and Wagner: The Ring and Der Ring
(details) |
20.00 CHF |
0.00 |
Tolkien and the Classical World
(details) |
26.40 CHF |
0.00 |
Tolkien and the Classics
(details) |
20.00 CHF |
0.00 |
Tolkien in Translation
(details) |
16.00 CHF |
0.00 |
Tolkien through Russian Eyes
(details) |
20.00 CHF |
0.00 |
Tolkien's Shorter Works
(details) |
20.00 CHF |
0.00 |
Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings Sources of Inspiration
(details) |
20.00 CHF |
0.00 |
Tolkien's View: Windows into his World
(details) |
20.00 CHF |
0.00 |
Tolkien's Poetry
(details) |
20.00 CHF |
0.00 |
Translating Tolkien
(details) |
20.00 CHF |
0.00 |
Tweaking Things a Little
(details) |
32.00 CHF |
0.00 |
Wagner and Tolkien: Mythmakers
(details) |
20.00 CHF |
0.00 |
Art |
Beowulf and the Dragon
(details) |
48.00 CHF |
0.00 |
Tales of Yore Series |
The Monster Specialist
(details) |
20.00 CHF |
0.00 |
The Terror of Tatty Walk
(details) |
24.00 CHF |
0.00 |
Wilmot's Very Strange Stone
(details) |
32.00 CHF |
0.00 |
Total |
0 items |
0.00 CHF |