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News, reviews and commentary ... and where to buy The Monster Specialist by Edward S. Louis
"... for the Freynshe book sayth that Sir Severause had never corayge nor grete luste to do batayle ayenste no man but if hit were ayenste gyautis and ayenste dragons and wylde bestis... ."
Thomas Malory, Le Morte Darthur
"A witty and charming alternative to the story of the Round Table. Tom Shippey, author of The Road to Middle-Earth, J. R. R. Tolkien: Author of the Century, and Roots and Branches: Selected Papers on Tolkien.
"A lighter-than-air mix of Arthurian motifs and folktale elements . . . that finds fun in the genre without ever making fun of it. The prose is graceful, the humor playful, and the irony of the gentlest kind." Verlyn Flieger, author of Splintered Light: Logos and Language in Tolkien's World and Green Suns and Faerie: Essays on J. R. R. Tolkien. "The Monster Specialist is a feast for those who enjoy a finely crafted tale about all-too-medieval knights and ladies, told by a delightfully opinionated modern narrator. Mark Twain, Thomas Malory, H.J.C. von Grimmelshausen, and Miguel de Cervantes would all love to read this story of a knight errant who has a real knack for dealing with monsters and beasts." Richard Utz, Professor and Chair of the School of Literature, Media, and Communications, Georgia Institute of Technology, and Editor of Medievally Speaking.
Karl Fugelso, Professor of Art History, Towson University, and editor of Studies in Medievalism.
Part I of this book was previously published under the title Sir Severus le Brewse by Silver Lake Publishing, 2005.
The Monster Specialist by Edward S. Louis, Tales of Yore Series No. 3, 310 pages, Walking Tree Publishers, Zurich and Jena 2014, ISBN 978-3-905703-23-8.
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