The Monster Specialist ![]() <-newer items | older items-> 28th June 2014: The Monster Specialist
Sir Severus le Brewse, among the least known of King Arthur's Round Table
knights, is preferred by nature, disposition, and training to fight against monsters
rather than other knights. After youthful adventures of errantry with dragons,
trolls, vampires, and assorted beasts, Severus joins the brilliant sorceress Lilava
to face the Chimaera in The Greatest Monster Battle of All Time to free her
folk from an age-old curse. But their adventures don't end there; together they
The book is being illustrated by Anke Eissmann and is due to be published later this year. The manuscript has already received much praise, including from some of the leading names in the world of Tolkien Studies. Some of their comments can be read below: "A witty and charming alternative to the story of the Round Table."
Tom Shippey, author of The Road to Middle-Earth, J. R. R. Tolkien: Author of the Century, and Roots and Branches: Selected Papers on Tolkien. "A lighter-than-air mix of Arthurian motifs and folktale elements . . . that finds fun in the genre without ever making fun of it. The prose is graceful, the humor playful, and the irony of the gentlest kind." Verlyn Flieger, author of Splintered Light: Logos and Language in Tolkien's World and Green Suns and Faerie: Essays on J. R. R. Tolkien. "The Monster Specialist is a feast for those who enjoy a finely crafted tale about all-too-medieval knights and ladies, told by a delightfully opinionated modern narrator. Mark Twain, Thomas Malory, H.J.C. von Grimmelshausen, and Miguel de Cervantes would all love to read this story of a knight errant who has a real knack for dealing with monsters and beasts." Richard Utz, Professor and Chair of the School of Literature, Media, and Communications, Georgia Institute of Technology, and Editor of Medievally Speaking. "A rollicking tale well-told and built on deep knowledge of the Middle Ages. Medievalism at its finest!" Karl Fugelso, Professor of Art History, Towson University, and editor of Studies in Medievalism. [-> See also the web page of The Monster Specialist] (to link to this announcement: http://www.walking-tree.org/news_archive.php?item=102 ) <-newer items | older items-> The most recent news items can also be viewed on the latest news page. ![]() | |
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