Roberto Arduini & Claudio A. Testi
Cormarë Series No. 32
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"Tolkien and Philosophy" is a theme that has not yet been studied
with the "philological" accuracy and the textual knowledge that are
required to avoid squeezing the Professor's works inside conceptual
frameworks that, rather than exposing their intrinsic value, risk
losing both their profound meaning and their inherent beauty.
What is the relationship between Tolkien's work and Philosophy?
The question, if taken seriously, is by no means trivial. For
these reasons we wish this book to become, in both method and
content, an essential point of reference for anyone interested in
better understanding the significant elements that sometimes link,
sometimes divide, the "philologist" Tolkien from proper speculative
Some sample pages can be read here (pdf, ca 220 KB).
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Table of contents
Roberto Arduini & Claudio A. Testi
Introduction 9
Franco Manni & Tom Shippey
Tolkien between Philosophy and Philology 21
Verlyn Flieger
Tolkien and the Philosophy of Language 73
Andrea Monda & Wu Ming 4
Tolkien the Catholic Philosopher? 85
Christopher Garbowski
Tolkien's Philosophy and Theology of Death 125
Giampaolo Canzonieri
Tolkien at King Edward's School 145
Index 153
The cover illustration, "The Phial of Galadriel", is by Anke Eißmann.
(link to Anke Eißmann's website)
Many reviews (17th July 2020)
Book reviews in Hither Shore (19th May 2015)
Announcing Tolkien and Philosophy (16th July 2014)
  159 pages, Walking Tree Publishers 2014, Cormarë Series No. 32, Editors: Roberto Arduini & Claudio A. Testi
, ISBN: 978-3-905703-32-0.

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