Commercial links
Editors, advisors, helpers and special friends
Websites connected to our authors and their interests
Websites with (occasional) commentary on our books and related topics
Websites connected to events with our cooperation or participation
Links to sites concerned with Tolkien's languages
Links to sites with Tolkien-inspired artwork
Links to Tolkien societies and organisations
Important lists of Tolkien links
Other important Tolkien resources
Other Walking Trees
How do I get my site listed on this page?
Commercial links:
For good Tolkienia retailers, we recommend those on the "Where can I buy these products?" page.
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JTR: Journal of Tolkien Research
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Publishers cooperating with us, and other friendly publishers:
Edition Stein und Baum (in German)
Portal Editions (Spanish publisher)
Le Dragon de Brume (French publisher)
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Editors, advisors, helpers and special friends:
Prof. Thomas Honegger, University of Jena., website of Frank Weinreich (in German)
Friedhelm Schneidewind
Anke Eißmann, illustrations and artwork. Anke has provided the cover pictures of many of our recent publications.
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Websites connected to our authors and their interests:
Interview with Mark Hooker on
The Charles Williams Society.
Rainer Nagel.
Edward S. Louis.
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Websites with (occasional) commentary on our books and related topics:
Lingwë - Musings of a Fish, blog of Jason Fisher looking at Tolkien, The Inklings, fantasy in general, language, linguistics, philology, comparative mythology, folklore and more.
Gesellschaft für Fantastikforschung e.V.
The Silver Key, blog of Brian Murphy, with a lot of commentary on Tolkien (and occasionally on our books).
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Websites connected to events with our cooperation or participation:
Walking Tree Publishers' conference pages.
Tolkien Seminar 2010, Tolkien and Romanticism.
Oxford Tolkien Spring School, 21 March 2013 – 23 March 2013.
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Links to sites concerned with Tolkien's languages:
Ardalambion. The most comprehensive site about Tolkien's invented languages that you are likely to find on the net. Includes biblical translations!
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Links to sites with Tolkien-inspired artwork:
Anke Eißmann, illustrations and artwork. Anke has provided the cover pictures of many of our recent publications.
Lorenzo Daniele has produced a cycle of illustrations for The Lord of the Rings.
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Links to Tolkien societies and organisations:
Seryn Ennor (Switzerland)
Arda Online at Parish's Garden
Associazione Romana Studi Tolkieniana (Rome Society of Tolkien Studies)
Deutsche Tolkien Gesellschaft, DTG (in German)
Heren Istarion, The New York Tolkien Society.
Sociedade de Tolkien Brasileira (Brazilian Tolkien Society).
Società Tolkieniana Svizzera (Italian speaking in Switzerland)
The Tolkien Society (UK)
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Important lists of Tolkien links:
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Other important Tolkien resources
Incantatio (in German). (in German).
Tolkien Library.
The U.S. Tolkien Guide.
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Other Walking Trees:
For other people and organisations using the name "Walking Tree", see the other walking trees page.
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How do I get my site listed on this page?
This list is intentionally kept restrictive. There are many good and extensive collections of Tolkien links on the net, and there is little point in us seeking to duplicate them here. Websites on this page are websites of people or organisations with whom we are affiliated or with whom we cooperate in some way.
If you find that any of these links are incorrect, feel that any important ones are missing or have any comments or suggestions concerning this website, please contact us.
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Links last checked on 15.10.07.

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