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15th December 2024: ZFF reviews Tweaking Things a Little
Zeitschrift für Fantastikforschung (ZFF) has published a review (in German) by Frank Weinreich of Tweaking Things a Little.
This review can be read on the web page of ZFF here.
All reviews of this publication are listed here.
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 25th November 2024: Reviews of Germanic Heroes
We are pleased to add no less than four fresh reviews of Germanic Heroes, Courage, and Fate: Northern Narratives of J.R.R. Tolkien's Legendarium
- Review by Annie Olsen Englund published in Journal of Inklings Studies 14.2 (2024), pages 225-28, available on (pdf)
- Review by Jan van Breda published in Lembas 207 (2024), pages 10-11, reproduced on our website with kind permission (in Dutch, pdf), (approved English translation, pdf)
- Review by Todd Jensen published in Lembas 207 (2024), pages 4-5, reproduced on our website with kind permission (pdf, here)
- Review by Magne Bergland published in the same issue of the journal, pages 6-7 (pdf, here)
All reviews of this publication are listed here.
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 25th November 2024: Review of Binding Them All
Binding them all
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on JRR Tolkien and His Works has been reviewed by Troels Forchhammer in Mythlore Vol.43. No.1 (2024), pages 321-23.
Link to the review on SWOSU Digital Commons: (pdf file).
All reviews of this publication are listed here.
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 19th November 2024: Problems with website
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Many pages on this website are presently not displaying correctly. This was caused by an update on the server, and many of the scripts behind this website needing to be adjusted. We are working on this and bringing the website back page by page.
In the meanwhile, you can contact us by email using info[at ]walking-tree[dot ]org
Thank you for your understanding.
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 26th September 2024: Celebrating Tolkien's Legacy
Walking Tree Publishers are proud to announce the publication of Celebrating Tolkien's Legacy by Nancy Bunting, Seamus Hamill-Keays and Toby Widdicombe.
Fifty years after the death of J.R.R. Tolkien, these essays look at Tolkien's own history in relation to his fiction and where Tolkien studies may go in the next few decades and what issues it needs to address.
Celebrating Tolkien's Legacy
Nancy Bunting, Seamus Hamill-Keays and Toby Widdicombe
Cormarë Series No. 52
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 26th September 2024: Tolkien Seminar 2024 in Aachen
The 2024 DTG Tolkien Conference (with support of Walking Tree Publishers) will be held at the University of Aachen, Germany on 11 to 13th October 2024. The conference topic is "Tolkien and his Editors / Tolkien und seine Herausgeber;innen".
Please also See Tolkien Seminar (on DTG website).
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 2nd September 2024: Winner of Mythopoeic Fantasy Award
The Mythopoeic Fantasy Award (in the Inklings Studies category) has been won by José María Miranda Boto for his monograph Law, Government, and Society in J.R.R. Tolkien's Works.
The Walking Tree Publishers congratulate Miranda Boto on this prestigious recognition.
Miranda Boto's acceptance speech is shared below:
It is the most unexpected of honors for me to have been awarded the 2024 Mythopoeic Fantasy Award for Inklings Studies. Being a Spaniard and a lawyer, two strange characteristics that had never been present in a winner beforehand, I feel like a little Hobbit who is admitted to the Council of the Wise.
My first thanks, naturally, must go to the Jury, who has made happy someone who writes about Tolkien as a hobby and not as trade.
My second thanks go to Tom Shippey, who endorsed my work with his prestige, giving me the most beautiful of the prologues. I still can't believe that I have joined him, and so many other distinguished scholars such as Verlyn Flieger, in the Halls of this Award.
Next in my gratitude is Peter Buchs, editor of Walking Tree, who in Birmingham in 2019 considered that my topic could lead to an interesting book for a reader who does not live in court.
I conclude by thanking all the friends who accompanied me during the writing of the book, providing numerous observations that made it a much more complete work than what I had achieved. Everyone will understand that I distinguish among them Friar José Anido, who has found his own role as an inhabitant of my footnotes.
The ultimate thanks go to my wife. Without her, and her patience, and the sacrifice of our shared leisure time, none of this could have been achieved.
With this award, the three functions of Fantasy become reality for me: recovery, escape, consolation. Thank you so much. Muchas gracias.
Past winners of the award are listed on the following page of the Mythopoeic Society:
More on Law, Government, and Society in J.R.R. Tolkien's Works:
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 Earlier news items can be found in the news archive.
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