Our publications are organised in the following categories:
Cormarë Series: Secondary literature on Tolkien and his world.
Beowulf and the Dragon: The 'Dragon Epsiode' from the Old English epic printed as a high quality art book.
Tales of Yore: A collection of tales and stories inspired by Tolkien's sub-creation.
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Besides our publications, the Walking Tree Publishers occasionally organise or co-organise conferences on various aspects of Tolkien's works.
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Alphabetical list of our publications:
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Beowulf and the Dragon
Binding them all
Monika Kirner-Ludwig, Stephan Köser & Sebastian Streitberger
ISBN978-3-905703-37-5, 2017
Celebrating Tolkien's Legacy
Nancy Bunting, Seamus Hamill-Keays and Toby Widdicombe
ISBN978-3-905703-52-8, 2024
Deep Roots in a Time of Frost
ISBN978-3-905703-33-7, 2014
Four Christian Fantasists
Richard Sturch
ISBN978-3-905703-04-7, 2001, second edition 2007
From Peterborough to Faëry
Thomas Honegger & Dirk Vanderbeke
ISBN978-3-905703-31-3, 2014
Germanic Heroes Courage and Fate
Richard Z. Gallant
ISBN978-3-905703-49-8, 2024
Hobbit place-names
Rainer Nagel
ISBN978-3-905703-22-1, 2012
How We Became Middle-earth
Adam Lam & Nataliya Oryshchuk (editors)
ISBN978-3-905703-07-8, 2007
In the Nameless Wood
J.S. Ryan
ISBN978-3-905703-30-6, 2013
Inside Language
Ross Smith
ISBN978-3-905703-20-7, 2007, Second edition 2011
J.R.R. Tolkien Romanticist and Poet
Julian Eilmann
ISBN978-3-905703-36-8, 2017
Laughter in Middle-earth: Humour in and around the Works of JRR Tolkien
Thomas Honegger & Maureen F. Mann
ISBN978-3-905703-35-1, 2016
Law government and Society in JRR Tolkien's Works
author unknown?
ISBN978-3-905703-43-6, 2022
Middle-earth or There and Back Again
&HHH321;ukasz Neubauer
ISBN978-3-905703-44-3, 2020
Music in Middle-earth
Heidi Steimel and Friedhelm Schneidewind (editors)
ISBN978-3-905703-14-6, 2010
Music in Tolkien's Work and Beyond
Julian Eilmann
& Friedhelm Schneidewind
ISBN978-3-905703-39-9, 2019
Myth and Magic: Art according to the Inklings
Eduardo Segura & Thomas Honegger
ISBN978-3-905703-08-5, 2007
News from the Shire and Beyond
Peter Buchs and Thomas Honegger
ISBN978-3-9521424-5-5, 1997, second edition 2006
Nólë Hyarmenillo
Nuno Simões Rodrigues, Martin Simonson, Angélica Varandas
ISBN 978-3-905703-47-4, 2022
O What a Tangled Web
Barbara Kowalik
ISBN978-3-905703-29-0, 2013
Pagan Saints in Middle earth
Claudio Antonio Testi
ISBN978-3-905703-38-2, 2018
Reconsidering Tolkien
Thomas Honegger (editor)
ISBN978-3-905703-00-9, 2005
Recovery and Transcendence for the Contemporary Mythmaker
Christopher Garbowski
ISBN978-3-9521424-8-6, 2004
Representations of Nature in Middle-earth
Martin Simonson
ISBN978-3-905703-34-4, 2015
Root and Branch
Thomas Honegger
ISBN978-3-905703-01-6, 1999, second edition 2006
Roots and Branches
Tom Shippey
ISBN978-3-905703-05-4, 2007
Something has gone crack
Janet Brennan Croft & Annika Röttinger
ISBN978-3-905703-41-2, 2019
Sub-creating Arda
Dimitra Fimi and Thomas Honegger
ISBN978-3-905703-40-5, 2019
Sub-creating Middle-earth
Judith Klinger
ISBN978-3-905703-27-6, 2012
The Broken Scythe
Roberto Arduini and Claudio A. Testi (editors)
ISBN978-3-905703-26-9, 2012
The Ecological Augury in the Works of JRR Tolkien
Liam Campbell
ISBN978-3-905703-18-4, 2011
The Gallant Edith Bratt
Nancy Bunting and Seamus Hamill-Keays
ISBN 978-3-905703-46-7, 2021
The Lord of the Rings and the Western Narrative Tradition
Martin Simonson
ISBN978-3-905703-09-2, 2008
The Loss and the Silence
Margaret Hiley
ISBN978-3-905703-19-1, 2011
The Monster Specialist
The Romantic Spirit in the Works of JRR Tolkien
Will Sherwood & Julian Eilmann
ISBN978-3-905703-51-1, 2024
The Silmarillion: 30 Years On
Allan Turner (editor)
ISBN978-3-905703-10-8, 2007
The Songs of the Spheres
&HHH321;ukasz Neubauer and Gugliemo Spirito
ISBN978-3-905703-48-1, 2024
The Terror of Tatty Walk
Tolkien and Modernity 1
Thomas Honegger and Frank Weinreich (editors)
ISBN978-3-905703-02-3, 2006
Tolkien and Modernity 2
Thomas Honegger and Frank Weinreich (editors)
ISBN978-3-905703-03-0, 2006
Tolkien and Philosophy
Roberto Arduini & Claudio A. Testi
ISBN978-3-905703-32-0, 2014
Tolkien and Wagner: The Ring and Der Ring
Christopher MacLachlan
ISBN978-3-905703-21-4, 2012
Tolkien and the Classical World
Hamish Williams
ISBN 978-3-905703-45-0, 2021
Tolkien and the Classics
Roberto Arduini, Giampaolo Canzonieri & Claudio A. Testi
ISBN978-3905703-42-9, 2019
Tolkien in Translation
Thomas Honegger
ISBN978-3-905703-15-3, 2003, Second edition 2011
Tolkien through Russian Eyes
Mark T. Hooker
ISBN978-3-9521424-7-9, 2003
Tolkien's Shorter Works
Margaret Hiley & Frank Weinreich
ISBN978-3-905703-11-5, 2008
Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings Sources of Inspiration
Stratford Caldecott and Thomas Honegger
ISBN978-3-905703-12-2, 2008
Tolkien's View: Windows into his World
J.S. Ryan
ISBN978-3-905703-13-9, 2009
Tolkien's Poetry
Julian Eilmann & Allan Turner
ISBN978-3-905703-28-3, 2013
Translating Tolkien
Thomas Honegger
ISBN978-3-905703-16-0, 2004, Second edition 2011
Tweaking Things a Little
Thomas Honegger
ISBN978-3-905703-50-4, 2023
Wagner and Tolkien: Mythmakers
Renée Vink
ISBN978-3-905703-25-2, 2012
Wilmot's Very Strange Stone
 An ISBN conversion table is available here for conversion between old (10 digit) and new (13 digit) ISB numbers. Discontinued and reprinted publications (meaning there may be older editions of our books whose ISB numbers or other details differ from the above) are listed here. 
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